Daily Meditations

Tuesday of the Third Week of Great Lent: To Rise You Must Go Downward. Have You Ever Seen the Snow Catch Fire?

To Rise You Must Go Downward

 Origen said:

‘If you are not humble and serene, it is impossible for the grace of the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.’

Augustine said:

‘God humbled himself: human beings should blush to be proud.’

Gregory the Great said:

‘The more humility aims at the depths, the higher it climbs on the path to the summit.

‘Humility in listening to the Word of God makes the path ready for the Lord to enter our heart.’

Isidore said:

‘Whoever acquires virtue without humility is throwing dust into the wind.’

Defensor Grammaticus

Book of Sparkling Sayings, 4 (SC77 pp.ro2ff.)


Have You Ever Seen the Snow Catch Fire?

 Just as certain winged creatures are too fat to fly, so are people who over-feed their bodies.

Just as pigs do not feel attracted to dry mud, so do the devils find no pleasure in a body desiccated by penance.

Just as oil calms the rage of the sea even it seems to resist the pacifying effect, so is the heat of the body’s passions cooled by fasting even if they object.

Just as water when it is squeezed on all sides shoots up above, so does the soul when it is pressed hard by dangers often rise to God and be saved.

Just as fire is not born from snow, so is the seeker after worldly honours not seeking heavenly ones. Just as people who spend hours in bed are easily burgled, so are those who wish to practise virtue without withdrawing from the world.

Just as anyone fighting a lion is lost as soon as he takes his eyes off him, so is the one fighting the flesh if he takes a break for a moment.

John Climacus

Stairway to Paradise, 26, Appendix (PG88, ro84)


~ Thomas Spidlik, Drinking from the Hidden Fountain, A Patristic Breviary: Ancient Wisdom for Today’s World