
Desert Fathers and Mothers and the Patristic Period

The desert Fathers and Mothers were honestly not referred to that much, because they just told little stories. These stories seemed like harmless anecdotes, and we wanted to go ahead with serious religion. But in the last 30 years, there’s been a rediscovery of the absolute simplicity of their message and the fact that it isn’t concerned about the issues that we’ve been concerned about in recent centuries. In fact, they’re usually concerned about the

Father Maximos on Temperance and Self-Control

Fr. Maximos served himself some hummus and continued. “Apostle Paul describes the fruits of the Spirit in the form of a scale, a hierarchy. He lists the highest and most exalted gift first and ends up with the most basic and foundational.” “What does that mean?” said Emily, who has a reflexive aversion to the notion of hierarchy, which has traditionally denoted social divisions and inequalities. “Think about it,” Fr. Maximos responded. “He lists love

Christmas Advent: The Second Day

THE FARMER’S ALMANAC, as well as the long-range meteorological forecast, may give official-sounding information about a wet winter in an area of drought, but until the rains fall and fulfill the prediction, our reasons for belief are based on faith, not fact. The evidence for a weather prediction or any other authoritative pronouncement is not in declaration but in demonstration. There’s a spectacular promise given in the Old Testament prediction in Numbers, spoken, against all

The Feast day of Saints Peter and Paul

On the 29th June of every year our Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul. So important is this celebration in the Orthodox Church that it is marked by a preparatory fasting period – called the fast of the apostles – beginning from the Monday after Pentecost and lasting until the eve of the feast day of Sts Peter and Paul. Following the practise of the early Church, where the first