
To You, Whoever You May Be

Whoever you are, whatever you may be, says the Lord of Love, my hand is resting upon you at this very moment. By this gesture, I am letting you know that I love you and that I call you for my own. I have never ceased loving you, speaking to you, or calling you. Sometimes it was in silence and solitude. Sometimes it was there, where others were gathered in my name. Often you did

Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Pascha. When “I” Awakens.

God’s enduring presence places the false self in a blessed insecurity. The false self is like a drop of stagnant water thrown into the raging furnace of the love of God. Even in our sins, in God’s eyes we remain the great pearl for which he has lost all upon the cross in order to possess us as his own. Even in the midst of revolt, we remain his one lost sheep for which he

Renewal (Bright) Wednesday. Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen!

In our civilization, so rich in knowledge and in power, we can no longer offer any reply to the enigma of death. We want only to forget death. Yet it meets us again and again in the form of hatred, oppression, separation, illness, and the disappearance of persons we love. This is why the message of Easter, of Holy Pascha, resounds today with such renewed strength. God takes on human flesh, suffers, dies, and descends

Friday of the Sixth Week of Great Lent: The Ruler’s Responsibility. The Most Efficient Ruler is the One Who Serves with Love.

The Ruler’s Responsibility The Superior who has the task of looking after everyone must act as if he had to give an account of each individual. He must realize that he will answer personally for a brother who has fallen into sin, because he has not shown him the Law of God. He will also have to answer for the brother who remains still in his sin, because he has not pointed out to him

Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Great Lent: Open the Route to God for your Opponents. I Suggest a Different Kind of Envy

Open the Route to God for your Opponents Don’t ever hurt one of your neighbours by using words in two senses. He could reply in the same way and you would both be wandering off the path of love. Go to him and warn him with affectionate sincerity. When you have between you removed the cause of your unhappiness, you will both of you be free from anxiety and bitterness. Don’t recall to your memory

Monday of the Sixth Week of Great Lent: How to Love a Friend … and Persecute an Enemy. Our Enemies do not Know the Gratitude We Owe Them.

How to Love a Friend … and Persecute an Enemy Augustine said: ‘The evil-doer is sad when he sees that his enemy has taken a warning and avoided punishment.’ Gregory said: ‘We are only faithful to our friends when our actions match our promises. ‘People have no right to persecute their enemies with the sword, but they should persecute them with prayer.’ Jerome said: ‘Often our friends are only so-called friends: not being able to

Thursday of the Fifth Week of Great Lent: How to Eradicate Ill-Feeling. If Someone Causes You Trouble.

How to Eradicate Ill-Feeling Do you maintain that you are keeping the commandment of love towards your neighbour? If so, why is there so much bitter ill-feeling in you against this or that person? Is that not perhaps a sign that you are preferring transient goods to loving, and that just to possess them you are struggling even to the point of hostility to your brothers and sisters? Sadness and ill-feeling go hand in hand.

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: Shut No One out from Your Love. Many Languages but One Human Nature.

Shut No One out from Your Love Do all you can to love everyone. If you are not yet able to, at the very least don’t hate anyone. Yet you won’t even manage this if you have not reached detachment from the things of this world. You must love everyone with all your soul, hoping, however, only in God and honouring him with all your heart. Christ’s friends are not loved by all, but they

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: You Cannot Live with Feet Only. If You Love God You Will Love your Neighbour, If You Love your Neighbour You Will Love God

You Cannot Live with Feet Only Those who are pursuing the same objective, if they live together, will find many advantages in this sharing of their life. In the first place, none of us is self-sufficient when it is a question of material needs. We all need one another to procure the necessities of life. The foot, for example, is capable of doing certain things on its own. If the absurd could happen and it

Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: Light, Fire and Flame. If You Think You Can Go It Alone

Light, Fire and Flame Love in its nature makes a human being like God, as far as is possible for a human being. The soul is intoxicated by the effects of it. Its characteristics are a fountain of faith, an abyss of patience, an ocean of humility. Love is the complete repudiation of any unkind thought about one’s neighbour, since, ‘Love thinks no evil.’ (1 Cor. 13:5] Love, unchangeable tranquility and our adoption as children