
Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Great Lent: Hypocrisy and Lies, Mother and Daughter. Are You Demanding Justice?

Hypocrisy and Lies, Mother and Daughter Fire is produced from stone and steel; lying comes from loquacity and gossip. And the lie destroys love. No one who has any sense would say that telling lies is not an important sin. The Holy Spirit has severely condemned it. ‘You destroy those that speak lies,’ says David to God. [Ps 5:7] The mother of lying is hypocrisy, mother and also, often, its substance as well. Hypocrisy in

Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Great Lent: Do Not Judge. Pure like Susanna.

Do Not Judge The Fathers teach us that nothing is more serious than judging your neighbour. Despite this, such a serious evil is committed even for things, let’s say, of little seriousness. It all begins with vague suspicions and thoughts like this: ‘What does it matter if I hear what so-and-so is saying? What harm is there in going to see what that person is up to?’ The mind quickly forgets its own sins and

Monday of the Fifth Week of Great Lent: Can a Parrot Be Worth More than an Orphan? From Egoism to Pride is Not Far.

Can a Parrot Be Worth More than an Orphan? Some men, instead of learning how to keep house and look after themselves, have recourse to domestic servants, and get themselves cooks and housemaids. Others, womanisers, spend whole days with their lady loves, telling lewd stories and corrupting them with their remarks and their deceitful actions. Others still, become slaves to lust through the influence of high-ranking prostitutes and behave like pigs in the trough. Some

Friday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: Two Sexes but Only One Human Nature. Helps and Hindrances in Human Relations.

Two Sexes but Only One Human Nature The author of the story of our creation teaches us that the Creator formed from the clay a man, formed from the man’s rib a woman and then, starting from the union of the two, filled the earth with their descendants. God did not create the woman from just any kind of material. He took from the man what he needed to create her. The reason? To prevent

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: Shut No One out from Your Love. Many Languages but One Human Nature.

Shut No One out from Your Love Do all you can to love everyone. If you are not yet able to, at the very least don’t hate anyone. Yet you won’t even manage this if you have not reached detachment from the things of this world. You must love everyone with all your soul, hoping, however, only in God and honouring him with all your heart. Christ’s friends are not loved by all, but they

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: You Cannot Live with Feet Only. If You Love God You Will Love your Neighbour, If You Love your Neighbour You Will Love God

You Cannot Live with Feet Only Those who are pursuing the same objective, if they live together, will find many advantages in this sharing of their life. In the first place, none of us is self-sufficient when it is a question of material needs. We all need one another to procure the necessities of life. The foot, for example, is capable of doing certain things on its own. If the absurd could happen and it

Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: Light, Fire and Flame. If You Think You Can Go It Alone

Light, Fire and Flame Love in its nature makes a human being like God, as far as is possible for a human being. The soul is intoxicated by the effects of it. Its characteristics are a fountain of faith, an abyss of patience, an ocean of humility. Love is the complete repudiation of any unkind thought about one’s neighbour, since, ‘Love thinks no evil.’ (1 Cor. 13:5] Love, unchangeable tranquility and our adoption as children

Monday of the Fourth Week of Great Lent: Loving your Neighbour in Need. Make your Love as Big as the World.

Loving your Neighbour in Need A brother asked an aged monk: ‘There are two brothers: one of them leads a life of solitude six days a week and does much penance, while the other is dedicated to the service of the sick. Which of the two is behaving in the way that is more acceptable to God?’ The old man answered him: ‘The brother who is always making a retreat would never attain the heights

Friday of the Third Week of Great Lent: We are all Begging to have God. We Cannot but Love God.

We are all Begging to have God It is natural to look for beauty and to love it, even though the idea of what is beautiful varies between one person and another. Now, what is more marvelous than the divine beauty? What can you think of that is more likely to give pleasure than the magnificence of God? What desire could be more ardent, more irresistible than the thirst which God inspires in the soul

Thursday of the Third Week of Great Lent: Persevering is More Important than Beginning. Hunger for Righteousness.

Persevering is More Important than Beginning Jerome said: ‘Christians will not be asked how they began but rather how they finished. St Paul began badly but finished well. Judas’s beginning was praiseworthy but his end was despicable. ‘Many start the climb but few reach the summit.’ Gregory said: ‘The value of good work depends on perseverance. ‘You live a good life in vain if you do not continue it until you die.’ Isidore said: ‘Our