
Sixth Day of Christmas, Meditation: The Work of Christmas Now Begins

Meditation: The Work of Christmas Now Begins As we take down our Christmas decorations to store them in the attic or the basement, let us be careful not to take down Christ. He was meant not for the attic, but for the living room of your heart and mine the year round, After all, His presence with us is what Christmas is all about. Thomas Curtis Clark wrote, What do we observe on Christmas Day?

Fifth Day of Christmas, 14,000 Innocent Children: Christmas Has a Cost

By Andrew Estocin Christmas can be too comfortable sometimes.  As the Nativity Season unfolds, churches are celebrating the birth of Christ.   Gifts are being shared, kitchens are busy preparing traditional foods, and retreat speakers have returned home from their visits to parishes. While all these events may be well intentioned, they frequently point us in the direction of nostalgia rather than a living faith.  Nostalgia can often be unhealthy.   The more we focus solely on

Fourth Day of Christmas, The Wise Men

Meditation: The Wise Men When the wise men learned of the plot of King Herod to kill the Christ Child, they did not come back to Jerusalem, but “went another way,” according to St. Matthew. What did Matthew mean when he wrote that the Wise Men “went back another way?” No doubt he meant that they took another route so as to frustrate Herod’s murderous intentions. But is there not more to the words than

The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Bible Readings: Epistle: Galatians 4:4-7 Gospel: St. Matthew 2:1-12 Liturgical Services: Christ is born, glorify Him. Christ has come from the heavens. receive Him Christ is on earth, elevate Him. Sing unto the Lord, all the earth. And you nations, praise Him with joy, for He has been glorified —Vesper Service of the Nativity Your Nativity, O Christ our God, has shed the light of knowledge

Fortieth Day of Christmas Advent, For so has God Loved the World (Part II)

But the road from Bethlehem to Zion is long, and is leading us through Gethsemane and Golgotha. Already in Bethlehem the newborn Godchild is presented with funeral offerings by the Wise Men from the East. “Today God leads the Wise Men to worship through the star, prefiguring His three-day burial in gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” The very doors of the Bethlehem cavern are nearly stained with the innocent blood of the children who were killed

Thirty-Ninth Day of Christmas Advent, For so has God Loved the World (Part I)

By Father Georges Florovsky That we begin our reckoning of time with Christ’s birth is a fact which has long been but a mere convention for many. Seldom does one recall and recognize the great event from which we count time. So do we betray our ignorance and insensitivity. In ancient days, time was computed from the Incarnation of God the Word. It signifies that we live in a world which has been renewed and

Thirty-Fourth Day of Christmas Advent, Meditation: Gifts to Give for Christmas and Every Day

Meditation: Gifts to Give for Christmas and Every Day We Christians give gifts at Christmas in humble imitation of the Gift that God gave-His only Son, our Lord Jesus. For the Christian the emphasis is on giving, not receiving. A man told what happened to him one Christmas Eve when he was a boy, after the Christmas story had been read. After he and his brothers and sisters had opened all their presents, his father

Thirty-Second Day of Christmas Advent, Meditation: Where is Bethlehem?

Meditation: Where is Bethlehem? Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. Where is Bethlehem? Did the Son of God come to be born in a tiny hamlet in far-away Palestine? Or was He born there that He might come to be born somewhere far closer? If Christmas is the time that God chose to come close to us, then Bethlehem must be somewhere very close to us. Where is Bethlehem? It is not far at

Thirtieth Day of Christmas Advent, Meditation: You Shall Call His Name Jesus

Meditation: You Shall Call His Name Jesus The Gospel of Matthew begins with a long list of Hebrew names that give the family tree of Jesus on the human side. As we read these names some two thousand years of history pass in review. At the end of the list we find the name above every name, the name of Jesus. The procession passes through the centuries and comes to rest at Bethlehem. “Joseph, son

Twenty-Sixth Day of Christmas Advent, Journey to Bethlehem, Part IV

By Father John Parker Our journey to Bethlehem through the images in Andrei Rublev’s Nativity finishes at the center—a center which has two foci: Mary, the Virgin Mother, and the somewhat less obvious (because of His size) newborn Christ (who, biblically speaking, is not “Jesus” until He is named on the 8th day—see Luke 2:21.) Mary—the Theotokos, or God-bearer, as she is known in the Church—is the most noticeable figure in the icon.  One’s eyes