
Office of Music Arts

Children’s Choir

The Saint Sophia Choir chants the beautiful Byzantine hymns that enrich the spiritual experience of Saint Sophia. Succeeding previous Master Chanter and Choir Director Harilaos Papapostolou (+1998) who served the Cathedral for more than 25 years, the Cathedral Choir chants according to the authentic Byzantine style that surrounds parishioners during the service under the present tutelage of Mr. George Theodoridis. Given the changing demographics of the Cathedral’s members, services at Saint Sophia are performed in both Greek and English to make the entire liturgy accessible to the entire congregation.

Registering with the Children’s Choir

To enroll your child to the Children’s Choir, please contact Mr. George Theodoridis, the Director of the Office of Music Arts at 202-333-4730 ext. 105 or at

Registering with the Young Adult Byzantine Choir

To join the young adult choir, please contact the Office of Music Arts at 202-333-4730 ext. 105 or click below to register.

Young Adult Byzantine Choir Member Registration Form & Questionnaire
Click Here and APPLY NOW!