Subsequently, the Elder related to me some things from his life on the Mountain that were relevant to our topic.
“I lived a heavenly life on the Mountain. I was about twelve years old when I went there. I had two Elders and I was totally obedient to them. They sent me to fetch two bags of dirt for their gardens. This work had to be done by noon. I ran barefoot, jumping along the rocks.
My hair was not combed and I shouted in the wilderness, ‘O Spotless, Undefiled, Incorrupt, Immaculate …,’ ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me’ and other hymns which I was memorizing from the ‘Parakletike’ and from the ‘Menaion’. If someone by chance would have seen me, they would most likely have said, ‘That monk has gone crazy.’
And truly, divine eros is a type of holy madness which overwhelms a man and changes him in body and soul. Do you believe this?”
“Certainly, Elder, since you are saying it, I believe it.
“What I tell you is what I saw happen to myself.
“My soul was changed by my love for Christ. Even my face was changed. I say this because one day as I was running again with divine zeal to carry out the chores that had been entrusted to me I accidentally saw by chance the reflection of my face in a glass. And I was astounded to see how my life in Christ, which I was living on the Mountain, had enhanced my external appearance. This is spoken about in Holy Scripture, ‘a gladdened heart makes a cheerful countenance.’1
“And you, George, love Christ and you will see that all those changes will take place within you. Give your heart to Christ and everything else will become His work.”
After the encounter
I lived this miracle for about one hour. On returning home, and upon leaving the Elder, felt as if I was descending from Mount Tabor.
I was ecstatic and I tried very hard to bring myself back to reality. I was returning home and to my work. From then on I was drawn to the Elder like a magnet.
I thirsted to learn all the secrets of monastic life. It is quite different reading about it in the Patristic books and quite something else hearing about it from someone who has lived the life himself.
As soon as I returned home from the Elder, I immediately made notes of everything he had told me. And when we spoke on the telephone, I carefully wrote down everything he said so that I would not miss any of his holy words.
My thoughts had focused on God and my daily concern was and is to be totally obedient to Him.
~Adapted from Monk Agapios, The Divine Flame Elder Porphyrios Lit in My Heart
1 It is from the book of Proverbs of the Old Testament (chapter 15 verse 13).