Daily Meditations

Friday of the Sixth Week of Great Lent: The Ruler’s Responsibility. The Most Efficient Ruler is the One Who Serves with Love.

The Ruler’s Responsibility

The Superior who has the task of looking after everyone must act as if he had to give an account of each individual.

He must realize that he will answer personally for a brother who has fallen into sin, because he has not shown him the Law of God. He will also have to answer for the brother who remains still in his sin, because he has not pointed out to him the means of correction.

The Superior must not let himself be ruled by human considerations, either by fear of offending one who is going wrong, or by the desire to make himself popular. Only love must be his inspiration, and he must say sincerely everything he thinks, determined not to tamper with the truth.

Otherwise, he is no better than a blind guide advancing towards an abyss and leading his brothers there too.

Basil the Great

The Greater Rules, 25 (PG31, 984)


The Most Efficient Ruler is the One Who Serves with Love

Augustine said:

‘Some people have the Law stamped on their memory but they do not stamp it on their deeds.

‘You are not innocent if by your silence you let your brothers and sisters go to perdition while you could have corrected them.

‘Let those in charge realize clearly what their task is: not to rule with force but to serve with love.

‘The one who holds a position of authority ought to be more loved than feared.’

Defensor Grammaticus

Book of Sparkling Sayings, 32 (SC77, p.393)


~ Thomas Spidlik, Drinking from the Hidden Fountain, A Patristic Breviary: Ancient Wisdom for Today’s World