In the News

Encyclical of Archbishop Demetrios for the Nativity of Christ 2012

When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman…. (Galatians 4:4) To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved

Archbishop Demetrios Calls for Prayers for the Victims of the Massacre in Newtown, Conn.

NEW YORK – Upon hearing the horrible news of the monstrous mass shooting in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut,  which caused the tragic death of 26 people, most of which are reportedly children,  His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America immediately contacted Fr. Peter Karloutsos, the priest of the nearby Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption in Danbury, Connecticut. He expressed to him his deep pain and great concern about this terrible incident

To the Most Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics and Devout Faithful of the Holy Orthodox Churches in the Americas

GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA “Live in Christ, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faithjust as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6-7)   To the Most Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics andDevout Faithful of the Holy Orthodox Churches in the Americas: Dearly Beloved in the Lord, On this Sunday before Thanksgiving, we look to God with gratitude and humility for blessing us with abundance. The week ahead will bring together

Archbishop Demetrios Appoints Mrs. Fotini Economides to the National Archdiocesan Council.

The Clergy, Parish Council, and congregation of Saint Sophia Cathedral join in one voice to offer heartfelt congratulations to Mrs. Fotini Economides on the occasion of her appointment to the National Archdiocesan Council for the years 2012-2014.  The Archdiocesan Council is the highest advisory board of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, consisting of his Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, the Eparchial Synod of Metropolitans, the Auxiliary Bishops, the Executive Committee of the Archdiocese, and a select

Congratulations Father Bill Bartz

HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS to Saint Sophia Cathedral’s Father Bill Bartz, CAPT, CHC, USN MCCDC / MCB Command Chaplain, Quantico, VA. Father Bill is the recent recipient of the United States Navy’s prestigious John H. Craven Servant Leadership Award. Father Bill, today in one voice the congregation of Saint Sophia Cathedral cries out: BRAVO ZULU! Chaplains & RPs, In case you have not received word from other sources, I invite you to join me in extending hearty

Cathedral Milestone Day

Dearest Parishioner, This past Sunday, January 9, 2011, was a milestone day in the history of our Cathedral. It was a glorious day in so many ways, and there was hardly a dry eye in Saint Sophia as we witnessed the ordination of Father Dimitrios to the holy priesthood, and the elevation of our beloved Fathers John and Steve to higher ecclesiastical ranks. We most humbly and respectfully thank his Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios, for his

Ordination of Deacon Dimitrios James Lee

The Ordination to the Priesthood of the Servant of God Deacon DIMITRIOS JAMES LEE 
Sunday, January 9, 2011 Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Washington, D.C. [divider] PRESIDING HIERARCH 
His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America [divider] CONCELEBRATING CLERGY His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas [divider] 
CATHEDRAL CLERGY Reverend Dr. John T. Tavlarides, Protopresbyter Reverend Dr. Steven P. Zorzos, Economos Reverend William J. Bartz, Protopresbyter, CAPT, USN [divider] 
VISITING CLERGY Reverend Peter N. Pappademetriou, Protopresbyter Reverend John

God’s Holy Wisdom in Washington, D.C.

Efthalia Walsh The National Herald Saint Sophia in Washington, DC serves as the Greek Orthodox national cathedral, and its history illustrates the development of the church in the United States. The celebration of the cathedral’s 100th anniversary and the consecration of its magnificent new education building in 2004 are soon to be followed by the recognition of its priest’s remarkable 50-year tenure at Saint Sophia. The Rev. Dr. John T. Tavlarides, born in Stamford, Connecticut

A Milestone to Eternity

In Little-Changing Greek Orthodox Church, a Celebration of a Cathedral’s Centennial By Bill Broadway Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, November 27, 2004; Page B07 2004 is but a blip on the timeline of Orthodox Christianity, which traces its beginnings to the apostles, its unification to the Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century and its liturgy to St. John Chrysostom 200 years later. As it happens, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Washington