Daily Meditations

Hope Against Darkness; The Naked Now

Picture yourself before the crucified Jesus and recognize that he became what we are all afraid of and what we all deny: nakedness, exposure, vulnerability and failure. He became “sin” to free us from sin (Romans 8:3), the Cosmic Scapegoat who reveals our worst and best souls to those who will gaze long enough (John 19:37).

Saint Benedict the Righteous of Nursia

This Saint, whose name means “blessed,” was born in 480 in Nursia, a small town about seventy miles northeast of Rome. He struggled in asceticism from his youth in deserted regions, where his example drew many who desired to emulate him.

In the Spirit of Happiness; Heaven Begins Within You

Most people probably understand happiness in very earthly and materialistic terms, ranging from having no responsibilities or cares to having two beautiful cars in the garage. For others, it means enough prestige, power, money, and health that they need never worry. But is this what happiness means?

The Repose of Saint Symeon

The Repose of Saint Symeon the New Theologian Symeon (949-1022) is one of the greatest mystic-poets of world literature. He was an aristocrat who became a monk in Constantinople and was head of a small monastery there [Saint Mamas], for which he wrote extensive treatises (Catecheses) outlining the elements of the ascetic life. He experienced hostility from the imperial court and was deposed as abbot in 1005 and sent into exile in 1009. His disciples

God is Not the Summit

No, the God of Christians is not the summit – reassuring and plain to see – of a pyramid of beings. He is the depth who reveals depths everywhere, making of the most familiar creature a thing unknown. We are like drunken potholers; every face we see reveals the hidden side of the earth. It is a wonderful and compelling vision. ‘Do not try to distinguish between the worthy and the unworthy; all must be

The Spirit of Jesus; Absence

The Spirit of Jesus Listening in Us Listening in the spiritual life is much more than a psychological strategy to help others discover themselves. In the spiritual life the listener is not the ego, which would like to speak but is trained to restrain itself, but the Spirit of God within us. When we are baptized in the Spirit—that is, when we have received the Spirit of Jesus as the breath of God breathing within

The Mystery of the Person

Individuals can be classified or grouped. But the person is always unique. It breaks groups apart; it is itself a breach in the universe. To begin to discern the mystery of the person, we must push further the parallel between negative theology and negative anthropology. God is ‘greater than God’, beyond all affirmation, even beyond all negation. The Depth is revealed as the Lover who transcends his own transcendence and comes to seek for the

The Age of Anxiety

Our age has been called the age of anxiety, and I think it’s a good description for this time. We no longer know where our foundations are. When we’re not sure what is certain, when the world and our worldview keep being redefined every few months, we’re going to be anxious. We want to get rid of that anxiety as quickly as we can. Yet, to be a good leader of anything today—a good pastor,

St Mark the Ascetic

‘A Lover of Knowledge’ Today we celebrate the memory of the Holy Mark the Ascetic (5th c.), also known as St Mark the Monk. Although St Mark wrote some very important hesychastic treatises, which have been included in the Philokalia, little is known about his life. An ascetic and wonderworker, he was made a monk at the age of forty by his teacher, St John Chrysostom. Mark spent sixty more years in the Nitrian desert

Human Nature and the Person

First [we have] the mystery of the created Person in its vertical relation, on the one hand to God who calls it, and on the other [we have] the human nature which it must assume, and whose ‘panhuman’ and cosmic aspects we [must recognize]. Vladimir Lossky has shown clearly that the supernatural character of the person runs right through the Chalcedonian definition. This emphasizes the unity of the humanity and the divinity. Christ is true