Daily Meditations

The Feast of the Holy Protection of the Theotokos

From time immemorial, the Church has celebrated the Most-holy Theotokos as the patroness and protectress of the Christian people, who, by her intercessory prayers, implores God’s mercy for us sinners. The help of the Most-holy Mother of God has been clearly shown numerous times, to individuals and to nations, in peace and in war, in monastic deserts and in densely populated cities. The event that the Church commemorates and celebrates today confirms the Theotokos’ consistent


Watchfulness and vigilance in thoughts, in feelings, and in our heart is the work of all Christians, and Holy Scripture itself has become the first source of inspiration and valuation of watchfulness. And Holy Scripture does not address monastics only. It addresses all Christians. If watchfulness be the lot of the monastics- ascetics because of the conditions of the physical and spiritual environment in which they live, it is equally true that the faithful, within

Special memorial and Ayiasmos (Blessing of the Waters) services commemorating Saint Sophia Church, which was located at 8th & L Streets, NW, Washington, DC, where the Convention Center now stands (8th Street no longer exists, while L Street divides the Convention Center in two).

Brothers and Sisters, On Sunday, November 9, we will celebrate special memorial and Ayiasmos (Blessing of the Waters) services commemorating Saint Sophia Church, which was located at 8th & L Streets, NW, Washington, DC, where the Convention Center now stands (8th Street no longer exists, while L Street divides the Convention Center in two). The memorial service will take place at Saint Sophia Cathedral after the Divine Liturgy, at which time the blessed memory of

Malicious Gossip and Passing Judgment

Let us begin by trying to understand the nature of malicious gossip and passing judgment on others. “Malicious gossip is to talk about your neighbor’s sins and mistakes, for example, to say that someone lied or became angry or committed fornication … Saying any of this is denigration, that is to say, speaking maliciously against somebody, talking maliciously about his sin. Passing judgment is when you condemn the actual person, saying he is a liar,

Holy Apostle James (Iakovos), the Brother of the Lord

Holy Apostle James (Iakovos), the Brother of God (Adelphotheos) was the son of Righteous Joseph the Betrothed of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 26). From his early years James was a Nazarene, a man especially dedicated to God. The Nazarenes vowed to preserve their virginity, to abstain from wine, to refrain from eating meat, and not to cut their hair. The vow of the Nazarenes symbolized a life of holiness and purity, commanded formerly by

St. Silouan the Athonite on How to Talk to Heterodox

By Seraphim Danckaert St. Silouan the Athonite (1866–1938) is one of the most beloved recent saints, having been canonized in 1987. A simple monk who nonetheless attracted pilgrims from all over the world, his teaching emphasized the absolute necessity of love and humility for authentic Christian life. As is evident from the story below, the saint believed these virtues should guide all aspects of Christian witness, including how we interact with and preach the truth


Whoever engages in inner warfare needs at every moment four things: humility, the greatest vigilance, the will to resist and prayer. It is a matter of dominating, with God’s help, the “Ethiopians of thought”, thrusting them out by the door of the heart, and crushing at once those who dash your little ones against the rocks (Psalm 137: 9). Humility is a prerequisite, for the proud man is once and for all shut out. Vigilance


Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God and faith in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places; otherwise, how could I have told you that I was going to prepare a place for’ you? I am indeed going to prepare a place for you, and then I shall come back to take you with me, that where I am you also may be.

The Land of Love (Part II)

There was a man who invented the art of making fire. He took his tools and went to a tribe in the north, where it was very cold, bitterly cold. He taught the people there to make fire. The people were very interested. He showed them the uses to which they could put fire— they could cook, could keep themselves warm, etc. They were so grateful that they had learned the art of making fire.

The Land of Love (Part I)

If we really dropped illusions for what they can give us or deprive us of, we would be alert. The consequence of not doing this is terrifying and unescapable. We lose our capacity to love. If you wish to love, you must learn to see again. And if you wish to see, you must learn to give up your drug. It’s as simple as that. Give up your dependency. Tear away the tentacles of society