Daily Meditations

Nativity Devotion, November 13: Our Advent Journey Begins

By Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis in “The Prayer Team” Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 Good morning Prayer Team! We are about to take a journey.  Whether one is a devout Christian or doesn’t know Christ at all, we are all about to take a journey that will see Christmas decorations go up, lines at the malls get long, and stress levels go up.  Such

Does It Matter How I Feel?

By Father Stephen Freeman It is common to hear complaints about the materialism of our modern culture. For it is certainly the case that much attention is given to “things” – whether making them, purchasing them, wearing them, or simply owning them. The modern world enjoys material wealth beyond anything ever imagined in human history. But it is a mistake to describe us as materialists. Materialism professes a certain concept of material goods. Atheist materialism,

Stillness and Silence: Stillness Is the Colleague of Prayer

The tranquility born of stillness is the grace of God present in a person’s life. This leads us away from the vanity and futility of material pleasures, unhealthy relationships and the struggle of our egos to control our lives. How does this happen? Abba Moses said to Abba Poemen, “If a man’s deeds are not in harmony with his prayer, he labours in vain.” The brother said, “What is this harmony between practice and prayer?”

Inner Stillness: How Synergy Operates

WE MUST COOPERATE WITH GRACE. All the good is from Christ. Yet, in the deep mystery of synergy, we have a strategic part to play. I am reminded of the story of the six-year-old boy who went to the department store with his dad to buy a Christmas present for his mother. The dad said, “I think Mom would like slippers for Christmas. What do you think? Let’s go to the slipper department. Mom likes

The Goal of Life in Society: Cultivating Love, Assuaging Anger (Part III)

Abba Joseph teaches that a Christian’s first priority is to prevent anger from arising in a relationship. By this teaching, Abba Joseph does not mean simply that we should avoid open conflict with other people, which is to say, avoid anger ‘s most obvious outward symptoms. Indeed, pretending one has ceased to be angry by doing things like isolating oneself, stewing in silence, or being what we moderns might describe as “passive aggressive” and trying

The Last Will Be First

The message of falling down is very counter-intuitive, yet it is found in most of the world’s religions, especially Christianity. We grow spiritually much more by doing it wrong than by doing it right. That might just be the central lesson of how spiritual growth happens, yet nothing in us wants to believe it. I actually think it is one of the only workable meanings of “original sin.” There seems to have been a fly

The Sweet Smoke of Prayer

By Father Stephen Freeman Let my prayer arise in Your sight as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.  Psalm 141 My parish has a fairly steady stream of visitors from outside the Orthodox experience. Among their first questions are ones concerning the use of incense. There is virtually no Orthodox service that does not include the burning of incense, with the priest or deacon making the circuit of the Church

Stillness and Silence: Stillness (Part II)

The interior object of stillness is the life and health of each person’s soul. The wisdom of the sayings quoted above summarize the grace made possible in stillness: mindfulness of one’s sins; avoidance of the futility of material pleasures and concerns that mask a person from his or her soul’s health; prayer and meditation; and inner peace leading to a heart that wills what God desires. Abba Peomen goes on to illustrate that the fruits

The Goal of Life in Society: Cultivating Love, Assuaging Anger (Part II)

Abba Joseph now expands on his teaching by identifying six key foundations for this kind of true friendship. I) Detachment with regard to all earthly possessions and wealth. 2) Not considering oneself wise, but deferring to the point of view of the other. 3) Seeking love and peace above all. 4) Refraining from anger at all times. 5) Calming the anger of the friend should it arise. 6) Constant reflection on the coming of death.3

Bones, Bodies and Belief

By Father Stephen Freeman And Elisha died, and they buried him. And the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming in of the year. And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on