Daily Meditations

Monday of the Second Week of Great Lent: Prove your Faith by Your Trust. Let Nothing Discourage You: Have no Fear!

Prove your Faith by Your Trust ‘Look at the birds of the air,’ says Jesus. [Luke 12:24] What a splendid example for our faith to follow! If God’s providence bestows an unfailing supply of food on the birds of the air who neither sow nor reap, we ought to realize that the reason for people’s supply running short is human greed. The fruits of the earth were given to feed all without distinction and nobody

Friday of the First Week of Great Lent: If You Believe, He Who Welcomed the Thief Will Welcome You Also. Faith without Works is Dead.

If You Believe, He Who Welcomed the Thief Will Welcome You Also Faith is the assent of the soul to a truth. If you want to know what advantage the soul gains from it, listen to what the Lord says: ‘Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.’ [John 5:24] How truly great is the goodness of

Wednesday of the First Week of Great Lent: One Route but so Many By-Ways. The Spiritual Pilgrim’s Guidebook.

One Route but so Many By-Ways Jerome said: ‘There are many virtues which lead those who practice them to the kingdom of heaven. There is only one route but there are many by-ways. ‘Whoever is anxious to make progress, even if he reaches a certain degree of perfection, can always find some need for improvement and become more proficient day by day. ‘No one can enjoy a good reputation both for virtue and for a

Tuesday of First Week of Great Lent: Tackle your Fears Head-On. Reach out to the Good in the Freedom of Love.

Tackle your Fears Head-On Fear is a childish feeling of the adult but empty soul. Fear is really a lack of faith that becomes obvious when we think of what unforeseen things might happen. It is lack of trust in God. The proud soul is a slave to fear precisely because it trusts in itself and so shudders at any noise or any shadow. Those who are contrite for their sins have no fear. So

Monday (Clean) of the First Week of Great Lent: The Attainment of Perfect Freedom. Let us Glory in Temptation.

The Attainment of Perfect Freedom What are the external objects which rouse the passions in us? Chiefly the opposite sex, material possessions and fame. To avoid being overwhelmed by these passions, there are certain steps we can take. As far as the opposite sex is concerned, it is enough to gain control of our own bodies by mortification. With respect to material possessions we must make a resolution to be content with the bare necessities.

Get Real for Lent

By Father Stephen Freeman According to St. Basil, God is the “only truly Existing.” Our own existence is a gift from God who is our Creator. None of us has “self-existing” life. We exist because God sustains us in existence – in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Sin is the rejection of this gift of God – a movement away from true existence. +++ Much of our attention in the modern world is

Stillness and Silence: The Practical Dimensions of Silence

Abba Gregory Nazianzus, the theologian, said, “These three things God requires of all the baptized: right faith in the heart, truth on the tongue, temperance in the body.”42 The desert elders taught that there must be a direct flow from purity of heart to speech and action. When words have their origin in the silence of purity of heart they will be congruent with the monk’s behavior. The common vocation of all Christians is to

Will the Real St. Valentine Please Stand Up?

By Bryce Buffenbarger Cancel your plans for February 14! As many of us prepare to celebrate Valentine’s day this coming Sunday, I thought it would be nice to explore a little bit of the day’s history. As we might expect from our experience with Christmas, the celebration of this secularized holiday bears very little resemblance to the Church’s memory of this great saint. For starters, the date is wrong! The Orthodox Church actually remembers three