Daily Meditations

The Third Tuesday of Great Lent. Finding the Deep Heart during Great Lent

By Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou, April 4, 2017 The grace of God has gathered us together today at the heart of Great Lent in order to express to the Lord our longing for His salvation, for the acquisition of the spirit of wisdom and for understanding of His commandments. Holy Scripture, however, warns us: ‘It is impossible for a heartless man to purchase wisdom.’[1] What is the ‘heart’ for us as Christians, and what kind of


ARCHBISHOP ELPIDOPHOROS ANNOUNCES FURTHER MEASURES TO PROTECT THE FAITHFUL RESPONDING TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Brothers & Sisters, Devout Stewards of Saint Sophia Cathedral, Below, please see the most recent press release, in both English and Greek, from His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. The sentence which demands your most immediate attention is the following: The [community] churches will continue to perform the appointed services [exclusively with the priest(s) and chanter(s)], however the Faithful should pray

The Third Monday of Great Lent. It’s a Crying Shame.

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, March 2, 2016  Orthodox Christians make a beginning of their Lenten discipline with the forgiving of everyone for everything (theoretically). This is expressed in the rite of forgiveness which is part of Vespers on the Sunday of Cheesefare. The ritual expression of forgiveness can easily and often be little more than a ritual. It reminds us of the need to forgive, but does not, on its own, achieve what it expresses.


SAINT SOPHIA CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT While liturgical services are to be celebrated as previously scheduled at Saint Sophia Cathedral, please see the most recent announcement issued by the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Thank you, Stay safe, and may the Lord preserve and protect us all. Father Steve GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA NEW YORK – On Saturday, March 14, 2020, the Holy Eparchial Synod convened via a teleconference to

Further Guidance From The Holy Eparchial Synod

Further Guidance From The Holy Eparchial Synod   NEW YORK – On Saturday, March 14, 2020, the Holy Eparchial Synod convened via a teleconference to continue assessing the spread of COVID-19, commonly known as Corona Virus, and decided the following: 1) For the benefit and protection of the faithful, and taking into account the recent scientific findings, we advise our faithful not to be exposed in places of public assembly (including attending church) during the

SAINT SOPHIA CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT COVID-19 (Coronavirus) & all Catechetical, Cultural and Youth Programs

Dearest Parishioners & Stewards, Given the state of emergencies and school closings called in DC, Maryland, and Virginia due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we have made the following changes to our activities.  Starting Saturday, March 14, through Sunday, March 29, Saint Sophia Cathedral will suspend all non-liturgical activities.  Specifically, there will be no activities, classes, or meetings for youth or adult programs, including Sunday School, Greek School, Little Angels, JOY, GOYA, Symposium, Philoptochos, Baking

The Second Friday of Great Lent. A Modern Lent.

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, March 29, 2019  Few things are as difficult in the modern world as fasting. It is not simply the action of changing our eating habits that we find problematic – it’s the whole concept of fasting and what it truly entails. It comes from another world. We understand dieting – changing how we eat in order to improve how we look or how we feel. But changing how we eat in order to know God

The Second Thursday of Great Lent. Saint Gregory Palamas and the Hesychasts (Second Sunday in Lent)

Pavlos Mouktaroudis The second Sunday in Lent is devoted to Saint Gregory Palamas (14th century), a hesychast from the Holy Mountain and later Archbishop of Thessaloniki. Saint Gregory Palamas defended the hesychasts of the Holy Mountain who were being mocked and attacked by the person who expressed the spirit of the Western Church, the monk Barlaam, from Calabria in Southern Italy. When Saint Gregory defended these monks, he set out the Orthodox faith regarding God,

The Second Wednesday of Great Lent. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is attributed to Saint Gregory the Dialogist († 604), Pope of Rome, but in actuality, it is not the work of one individual, but is a composite work coming down to us from Holy Tradition. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, which consists of the Service of Vespers and the Communion of the Faithful with the Holy Gifts. It is commonly celebrated daily in monastic communities, and on Wednesdays