Daily Meditations

Lazarus Saturday

By Fr. Lev Gillet, April 20, 2019 Strictly speaking, Lent ends on the Friday which follows the fifth Sunday of Lent: the period of forty days is then over. The time of the Passion lasts from the end of Lent until the Resurrection, anticipated on Holy Saturday. It therefore comprises the Saturday which follows the fifth Sunday of Lent, called ‘Lazarus Saturday’, and the first six days of Holy Week. Lazarus Saturday has a very

The Sixth Friday of Great Lent. The Fast that Keeps.

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, March 12, 2013  Corrie Ten Boom, the Dutch Christian who suffered in Hitler’s Ravensbruck for her work rescuing Jews, shared stories of her life within those death camps. I recall one of her remarks, “We did not keep the Sabbath, the Sabbath kept us.” Some years back I was filming a television show with the local Rabbi and a member of his congregation (who was a Holocaust survivor). In the course

Spiritual Zoom-É: A Virtual Conversation for our Saint Sophia Community

VIDEO AND WEB CONFERENCING Spiritual Zoom-É (Pronounced like the Greek “Ζουμί,” meaning “Juice”) A Virtual Conversation for our Saint Sophia Community  Every Thursday 6:00 PM EST  (Community) Online Spiritual Zoom-É Click here Father Dimitri will talk about the current situation affecting young people and their families. GOYA Join our GOYA chat every Monday at 7:30 PM EST * Please e-mail us to be added to our GOYA Chat   YAL Stuck at home? Join YAL for a

Sixth Thursday of Great Lent. ‘My Child, wake up and don’t waste your time on stupid things!’

By Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi, September 9, 2019 I received your short letter and I share your pain. I brought to mind the image of how things are and, aware of my own wretchedness, sighed at the possibility of being saved. ‘Alas, Saviour of the world, I am overwhelmed by my iniquities and am unable to see. Hasten, as merciful, and make speed, as compassionate, to our aid, for you can do whatsoever you wish’.

The Sixth Wednesday of Great Lent. Fast from…Feast on…

FAST from self-concern and FEAST on compassion for others. FAST from discouragement and FEAST on hope. FAST from lethargy and FEAST on enthusiasm. FAST from suspicion and FEAST on truth. FAST from thoughts that weaken and FEAST on promises that inspire. FAST from shadows of sorrow and FEAST on the sunlight of serenity. FAST from idle gossip and FEAST on purposeful silence. FAST from problems that overwhelm you and FEAST on prayer that sustains. FAST

Managing Fear and Anxiety during COVID-19

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification RESOURCES FOR HOLY WEEK AND PASCHA AT HOME TOPIC OF THE WEEK: Managing Fear and Anxiety during COVID-19 Coping with COVID-19 for Orthodox Christians  Family/Adult –  What Are You Afraid Of? (An article on fear based on the fictional book, Sasha and the Dragon) “…The dragons that are threatening us today include not just pestilence, but also economic fears, political fears, fears of the unknown

Sixth Tuesday of Great Lent. The Ethos of Lent

By Fr. George Morelli The ethos of Lent for the committed Orthodox Christian is told to us by St. Dorotheus of Gaza. He likened it to a wake-up call, ‘a coming to one’s self’ (like the Prodigal Son) to find meaning for the entire year. The “great and saving forty days” are to wake us up to all times and seasons of all year. St. Dorotheus means more than this year only because each and

Sixth Monday of Great Lent. At the Heart of Lent

By Fr Stephen Freeman, March 2, 2018  Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You! (Ps. 119:11) Years ago, I heard a statement from an American monk: “The contemplative need go no further than his own heart to find the source of all violence in the world.” It struck me as true then and has only seemed more so as the years have passed. At the time (not

The Fifth Friday of Lent. The Fullness in Lent

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, March 18, 2014  This article keeps coming to mind as I celebrate the Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts on these Lenten Wednesdays and Fridays. There is nothing to compare to them in the Christian liturgical world. It’s hard to thinking of fasting in the midst of such a feast. Orthodoxy has a number of “favorite” words – all of which fall outside the bounds of normal speech. Though we commonly use


A SPECIAL EASTER APPEAL FROM FATHER STEVE Holy Week & Pascha, 2020 Dearest Parishioners and Stewards, During this “Virtual Holy Week,” it is my most heartfelt prayer that you will continue to support your beloved Cathedral as you have always done so in the past. By clicking on the links, below, you may light a virtual candle, contribute to a virtual tray, light a virtual “Kandili” (votive candle) for health and remembrance, and make a