Life Under Quarantine Did Not End With Pascha; Where Does That Leave Us?

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification Christos Anesti!  Christ is Risen!  TOPIC OF THE WEEK: Life Under Quarantine Did Not End With Pascha; Where Does That Leave Us? Spiritual Resources for the Pandemic Coping with COVID-19 for Orthodox Christians  Adult/Family Steven Christoforou recently wrote: “A friend shared something powerful. And troubling… He told me that, as we got into Holy Week, he finally realized something. Life under quarantine isn’t going to end with Pascha. It

Second Wednesday after Pascha: The Closure of our Churches

By Abbot Tryphon, April 14, 2020 We must receive the closure of our churches with a peaceful heart I remember hearing, early on in my monastic life, of a holy elder who lived as a hermit, far from any group of other monks, and deprived of the chance to participate in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Hearing of this, I thought to myself, how could such a man survive without the Holy Body and

Second Tuesday after Pascha. Death and Resurrection: The Illusion of Separation

Hopefully we begin life as “holy innocents” in the Garden, with a conscious connection to Being. The gaze of loving, caring parents can mirror us as the beloved and gives us a primal experience of life as union. But sooner or later we all have to leave the Garden. We can’t stay there. We begin the process of individuation, which includes at least four major splits, ways of forgetting our inherent oneness and creating an

Second Monday after Pascha: A Different Pascha—1928

By Father Stephen Freeman, April 4, 2020 This year, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Churches [were] be unable to gather in the usual manner for Pascha. This has happened before in a variety of places and circumstances. In the 1920’s, the Bolshevik’s were unleashing their persecutions. This wonderful account, from Butyrka Prison on Pascha of 1928, is a sober reminder that our “light momentary affliction” is a small thing. It also serves to remind us that

ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! CHRIST IS RISEN! Bright Friday. The Life Giving Spring of the Mother of God

Today we commemorate the Life-Giving Spring of the Most Holy Theotokos. There once was a beautiful church in Constantinople dedicated to the Mother of God, which had been built in the fifth century by the holy Emperor Leo the Great (January 20) in the Seven Towers district. Before becoming emperor, Leo was walking in a wooded area where he met a blind man who was thirsty and asked Leo to help him find water. Though

ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! CHRIST IS RISEN! Bright Thursday. St. George and the Dragon

04/23/2015 By St. Gabriel Admin – an extract from Praying with Icons by Jim Forest True stories become legends and legends are compressed via symbols into myths. The St. George of myth was a knight in armour who fought a dragon to save a princess. The real George never saw a dragon nor did he rescue a princess in distress. We are not even sure he had a horse, possessed a sword, or was a soldier. It is possible he

We were not able to attend church on Holy Saturday and receive the Paschal light to our candles to bring home. Did we ‘miss’ the Light of Christ this year?

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification Christos Anesti!  Christ is Risen!  TOPIC OF THE WEEK: We were not able to attend church on Holy Saturday and receive the Paschal light to our candles to bring home. Did we ‘miss’ the Light of Christ this year?   Spiritual Resources for the Pandemic Coping with COVID-19 for Orthodox Christians  Adult/Family “The Light of Christ is not a flame that ignites a candle…{it} is


On Bright Wednesday we commemorate the holy monastic Fathers who have shone forth on the God-trodden Mt Sinai. This commemoration was established by the Church of Russia on April 17, 1997. Saints Theocharis and Apostolos are local saints of Arta. The first fell asleep in 1845 and the second a little later. Saint Theocharis was a teacher at Komboti, Arta. The icons of these saints are in the church of Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) in


Commemoration of Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene of Lesbos Newly-Appeared Martyrs of Lesbos, Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene These saints were martyred by the Turks on Bright Tuesday (April 9, 1463) ten years after the Fall of Constantinople. For nearly 500 years, they were forgotten by the people of Lesbos, but “the righteous Judge… opened the things that were hid” (2 Macc. 12:41). For centuries the people of Lesbos would go on Bright Tuesday to

Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! This week after Holy Week is called ‘Bright Week…’ also called Renewal Week, as in ‘to make new’ or ‘start over’.

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification Christos Anesti!  Christ is Risen!  Bright Week – A Week of Renewal  This week after Holy Week is called ‘Bright Week…’ also called Renewal Week, as in ‘to make new’ or ‘start over’.  “If Christ can turn death into life, what aspect of our lives cannot be transformed into glory? No matter how difficult life may be due to sickness, fear, or stress of any