
Fourth Wednesday of Pascha: Mid-Pentecost

After the Saviour had miraculously healed the paralytic, the Jews, especially the Pharisees and Scribes, were moved with envy and persecuted Him, and sought to slay Him, using the excuse that He did not keep the Sabbath, since He worked miracles on that day. Jesus then departed to Galilee. About the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles, He went up again to the Temple and taught. The Jews, marveling at the wisdom of His words,

Fourth Tuesday after Pascha. Death and Resurrection: Transition and Transformation

Just as we have borne the image of the earthy one, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly one. . . . Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed, in an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For that which is corruptible

Fourth Monday of Pascha. The Feast Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the Apostles, Illuminators of the Slavs

Cyril and Methodius must have often wondered, as we do today, how God could bring spiritual meaning out of worldly concerns. Every mission they went on, every struggle they fought was a result of political battles, not spiritual, and yet the political battles are forgotten and their work lives on in the Slavic peoples and their literature. Tradition tells us that the brothers Methodius and Constantine (he did not take the name Cyril until just

Happy Mother’s Day! Sunday of the Paralytic

Today is Mother’s Day in America. Emphasis is on the heartwarming aspects of the day and the contributions mothers have made to the lives of their children. A special place for mothers is established in the Ten Commandments. At a tender age we hear the words: “Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you” (Genesis 20:12). Mothers are cast in a

Monday of the Holy Spirit

On the day after every Great Feast, the Orthodox Church honors the one through whom the Feast is made possible. On the day following the Nativity of the Lord, for example, we celebrate the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 26). On the day after Theophany, we commemorate St John the Baptist (January 7), and so on. Today we honor the all-Holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, Who descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost in

Third Friday of Pascha: Suffering

By Abbot Tryphon, April 5, 2020 The role of suffering in the salvation of humankind Elder Ambrose of Optina Monastery said, “We should not forget that in our age of ‘sophistication’ even little children are spiritually harmed by what they see and hear. As a result, purification is required….You must understand that Paradisal bliss is granted to no one without suffering.” A person walks on the path to salvation not only by his good deeds,

Virtual Flights Aren’t Grounded! Help Us Fly the Fathers to Constantinople and back to DC by Friday, May 29th!

Virtual Flights Aren’t Grounded! Help Us Fly the Fathers to Constantinople and back to DC by Friday, May 29th!     CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR UPDATED VIDEO AND TEAM SPONSORS!            Thank you for your very generous gifts to our special “Father Flyboys” fundraiser.   I am so very grateful for your love and support. Your generosity, and the generosity of so many parishioners and friends of Saint Sophia Cathedral,

Third Thursday of Pascha. Holy Mountain: A Universal Presence and a Heavenward Orientation (Part 2)

By Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaias and Lavreotikis Here space and time acquire another dimension and perspective. One’s relationship with earthly, ephemeral and perishable things is an entirely perfunctory one. Concepts like ‘money’, ‘property’, ‘wealth’, ‘investment’, ‘entertainment’, ‘competition’ and ‘interest’ completely lose their importance. Here only the most essential worldly concerns are allowed to occupy one’s thoughts. The soul opens itself up to heavenly things. Here the main focus of interest is eternity and God’s kingdom.

“God gives us what we need ALWAYS, but not necessarily what we want… In Orthodox countries, when people aren’t afflicted, they feel abandoned by God.”

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification Christos Anesti!  Christ is Risen!  TOPIC OF THE WEEK: “God gives us what we need ALWAYS, but not necessarily what we want… In Orthodox countries, when people aren’t afflicted, they feel abandoned by God.” Spiritual Resources for the Pandemic Coping with COVID-19 for Orthodox Christians  For Everyone:  In the Saint Emmelia Podcast, Noah Bushelli mentions his parishioner, a little boy, who had a bone marrow transplant last year and

“God gives us what we need ALWAYS, but not necessarily what we want… In Orthodox countries, when people aren’t afflicted, they feel abandoned by God.”

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification Christos Anesti!  Christ is Risen!  TOPIC OF THE WEEK: “God gives us what we need ALWAYS, but not necessarily what we want… In Orthodox countries, when people aren’t afflicted, they feel abandoned by God.” Spiritual Resources for the Pandemic Coping with COVID-19 for Orthodox Christians  For Everyone:  In the Saint Emmelia Podcast, Noah Bushelli mentions his parishioner, a little boy, who had a bone marrow transplant last year