
Christ and Nothing (Part I)

By David Bentley Hart, October 2003 As modern men and women—to the degree that we are modern—we believe in nothing. This is not to say, I hasten to add, that we do not believe in anything; I mean, rather, that we hold an unshakable, if often unconscious, faith in the nothing, or in nothingness as such. It is this in which we place our trust, upon which we venture our souls, and onto which we

Do Not Weep

By Abbot Tryphon, May 25, 2020 I am in Rogue River, Oregon, where I came to serve the Divine Liturgy for my dear friend and concelebrant, Archpriest Seraphim Cardoza. Father Seraphim has been dealing with very serious heart issues, having suffered two heart attacks during the past few weeks. Due to his declining health, he needed me to minister to his parishioners, and I was more than happy to do so. On my seven hour

Self-Emptying: We Love by Letting Go

We cannot love God unless we love God’s world. Christians [should] have always known this, because an incarnate God is a world-loving God; but now it takes on new meaning and depth as we realize the radical interrelationship and interdependence of all forms of life. . . . In sum, we are not called to love God or the world. Rather, we are called to love God in the world. We love God by loving the world. We love God through and with the world. But this turns out

The Distraction Delusion—Get Your Hands Dirty

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, June 12, 2019 I recently bought a pickup truck, a twenty-five-year-old clunker that runs ok. I paid $600 for it and have been slowly tending to the little fixes that it requires. It’s old enough to lack the computerization that puts vehicles beyond the reach of a shade-tree mechanic. My father and his father were both auto mechanics. I had forgotten how much satisfaction I get from doing what they did.

While wearing a physical mask now may be necessary to protect us from contagion, what other ‘masks’ might we be ‘wearing’ that are NOT good for us? How can we strip these away and be authentic to God, ourselves and others? Watch the video Wearing Masks

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification TOPIC OF THE WEEK: While wearing a physical mask now may be necessary to protect us from contagion, what other ‘masks’ might we be ‘wearing’ that are NOT good for us? How can we strip these away and be authentic to God, ourselves and others? Watch the video Wearing Masks Spiritual Resources for the Pandemic Coping with COVID-19 for Orthodox Christians  “The COVID crisis causes us

How did the Fall of Constantinople Change the Renaissance in Italy?

The Byzantine Empire, also known as New Rome, was very influential on the history and culture of Europe during the Middle Ages. By the 15th century, the Empire was in terminal decline and had been for several centuries. At this time the various Italian city-states were experiencing a cultural flowering that is known by historians as the Renaissance. In 1453 the capital of Byzantium fell to the Ottoman Turkish army and this was the effective


SAINT SOPHIA COMMUNITY FORM We hope this finds you and your family well as we make our way together through this COVID-19 pandemic. The imperative, while separated, is to stay connected! In our ongoing effort to serve our Saint Sophia Community more effectively, we are sending this Saint Sophia Community Form to learn more about you, our parishioner, your family, your interests and how Saint Sophia Cathedral can better serve you. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

Holy Ascension

The Lord Jesus passed forty days on earth after His Resurrection from the dead, appearing continually in various places to His disciples, with whom He also spoke, ate, and drank, thereby further demonstrating His Resurrection. On this Thursday, the fortieth day after Pascha, He appeared again in Jerusalem. After He had first spoken to the disciples about many things, He gave them His last commandment, that is, that they go forth and proclaim His Name

The Spiritual Fruit of Pascha: On the Apodosis of Pascha

Source: ROCOR And so for us, too, the eternal bliss with Christ in His Kingdom has not yet commenced—this is merely our hope—but not because the Kingdom of Heaven is not yet ready, but because we are incapable of eternal bliss: we need another podvig under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. ARCHBISHOP SIMON (VINOGRADOV, +1933) OF PEKING AND CHINA: | 28 MAY 2014 Today is the Apodosis of Pascha, that is, the last day of this

Sixth Tuesday after Pascha: Tradition of the Paschal Egg

By Abbot Tryphon, April 22, 2020 The Tradition of the Paschal Egg There is a beautiful tradition within the life of the Church for believers to have as their last meal before beginning the Great Lenten Fast, to eat a hard boiled egg, white in color. This egg represents our sinful nature, and we eat this egg with the hope that the Lenten journey will bring us to repentance, and make us worthy to receive