Daily Meditations

The Sixth Wednesday of Great Lent: The Mystical Reality of Holy Week

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, April 6, 2015 As we journey through Holy Week… For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. (1Co 15:16-19 NKJ) Earlier this Spring, two

Thoughts for Palm Sunday and Holy Week

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification Topic of the Week – Thoughts for Palm Sunday and Holy Week “We have already arrived at the last week of Great Lent. The piety of our people has named it “Silent” or “Deaf”, because during it there are no Salutations to the Theotokos. But there is another reason that such a week exists. The nickname is not at all by accident. It is a time

The Sixth Tuesday of Great Lent. Our Struggle for Repentance. Ask for Repentance

Our Struggle for Repentance Ask for repentance in your prayer and nothing else By Abbot Tryphon, September 5, 2020 The first step in becoming truly repentant is found in a heartfelt contrition before God for our sins. Saint Paul tells us that we must “Pray without ceasing (Thessalonians 5:17)”, and the Church Fathers saw this as the basis for the use of the Jesus Prayer – “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on

The Sixth Monday of Great Lent: The Mystery of Holy Week and Pascha

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, April 2, 2018  This [coming] weekend, Orthodox Churches [begin] the observation of Holy Week. The services are long and plentiful. In my parish, from Lazarus Saturday to Pascha, there will be somewhere on the order of 40 hours of services. It is a large parish effort. Most of the services have the participation of the full choir. Last night, I had the anxious face of a young server in the altar

The Fifth Friday of Great Lent: St. Mary of Egypt and Moral Progress

By Stephen Freeman, January 11, 2015  The suggestion has been made several times recently that my criticism of moral progress is not supported by the example of the saints. Surely, it is said, the transformations we read about in the lives of the saints are clear examples of moral progress. A noted such example, perhaps the greatest story of repentance and asceticism known in the Church, is that of St. Mary of Egypt. It is worth looking

The Fifth Thursday of Great Lent. Resisting an Unbelieving World

We must resist this world that has collectively slipped into madness By Abbot Tryphon, January 2, 2020 In this secular society there are many Orthodox individuals who’ve found themselves sharing their lives with non-Orthodox friends and family members. Sometimes these people are not even practicing Christians, so the struggle to keep to the traditions and practices of the Orthodox Faith can be difficult. Even the blessing prayers before each meal can be awkward when other

The Fifth Wednesday of Great Lent: Experiencing Great Lent as a Couple

Rev. Fr. Nicholas Verdaris Orthodox Christians around the world are embarking upon the spiritual journey of Great and Holy Lent, a time that encourages all people to renew, refresh and rediscover their life in Christ. But as this blessed season begins to unfold in earnest, it is important to correct the misconception of the practice and experience of Lent as a lonely or solitary journey. This important clarification applies especially to those in the community

Confessing and Passing Down the Orthodox Faith

SSCORRE! Saint Sophia Cathedral Online Resources for our Religious Edification Topic of the Week – Confessing and Passing Down the Orthodox Faith   “We are all responsible for the Church, and not only the bishops, for the Church is not someone else’s private property… and the faithful people have for centuries been generally recognized as the guardians of Orthodoxy.” Archpriest Theodore Zisis How are we, the faithful, as the guardians of Orthodoxy, responsible for the Church? “…We stand

The Fifth Tuesday of Great Lent: Our Journey to God

We must be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives By Abbot Tryphon, December 24, 2019 The spiritual struggle that is required of us cannot depend on having a spiritual father. Most Orthodox Christians do not have one, and the average parish priest is not equipped, either with the time, nor the inclination, to take on the role of spiritual father to members of his flock. Just carrying the load as

The Fifth Monday of Great Lent: How to Strengthen Your Lenten Prayer Life

By Fr. Stephen Freeman, February 9, 2018  The traditional acts of asceticism associated with Great Lent (and the whole of the Christian life) are prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and repentance. In my experience, Orthodox faithful tend to concentrate on fasting and perhaps making a good confession. If we have weaknesses, they are found in our prayers and almsgiving. These two belong together. Christ said: And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that