Daily Meditations

Orthodoxy Versus Christian Materialism (Part III)

By Father Stephen Freeman Time is not Time-Bound Among the least appreciated aspects of classical Christian thought is its treatment of time. It is an understanding that is necessitated by the treatment of time within the Scriptures themselves and not by some alien metaphysic. It is Christ Himself who most reveals time in its proper perspective. He is both Beginning and the End (Rev. 1:8). This is not at all the same thing as saying that He

Orthodoxy Versus Christian Materialism (Part II)

By Fr. Stephen Freeman The Orthodox View of the World As noted earlier, there are certainly Orthodox whose ideas differ little from this “materialist” Christianity. Their sacramental view is just as external as other materialists, their understanding of relationships just as psychological. They defend the Orthodox “meaning” but see this as simply correct thought. They can be highly moralistic and deeply committed to God as the cosmic enforcer. Many are as defensive of the historically

Orthodoxy Versus Christian Materialism (Part I)

By Father Stephen Freeman Over the years I find myself coming back to a number of ideas within the modern world that differ markedly from Orthodox thought. These are ideas that are imbedded so deep within our culture that they seem self-evident to most people. Many Orthodox believers hold to one or more of them, distorting their understanding of the faith. This article is an effort to create a list and address each one. If

On October 28 the Greek Orthodox Church commemorates the Feast Day of the Protection of the Theotokos, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary.

The feast-day of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God was established following a vision of holy Father Andrew during the course of a Vigil in the Church of Vlachernae at Constantinople. At the Fourth Hour of the night while deep in prayer, the Saint lifted up his eyes to heaven and beheld the Holy Mother of God watching over the faithful as she covered the faithful with her holy Veil. Epiphanius, the disciple

Congratulations to our past Parish Council President, Cassandra Tsintolas Johnson on her re-appointment as a voting member of the Archdiocesan District Council by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros.

The Saint Sophia Cathedral Community congratulates past Parish Council President, Cassandra Tsintolas Johnson on her re-appointment as a voting member of the Archdiocesan District Council by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros.  In His appointment letter, His Eminence emphasized that the Archdiocesan District Council is the “esteemed body of clergy and lay individuals …working together…for the collective betterment and spiritual flourishing of our communities and faithful” that comprise the Archdiocesan District and that “requires a unique blend of

Congratulations to Janice Calomiris, Parish Council President, on the occasion of her appointment as a voting member to the Archdiocesan Council, 2024-2026

The Clergy, Parish Council and entire Community of Saint Sophia Cathedral CONGRATULATE Janice Calomiris, Parish Council President, on the occasion of her appointment as a voting member to the Archdiocesan Council, 2024-2026. The Archdiocesan Council functions as the advisory and consultative body to the Archbishop and to the Eparchial Synod, and is concerned with the Archdiocesan ministries, institutions, and financial affairs of the Holy Archdiocese of America in between biennial Clergy Laity Congresses.


The feast day of Saint Demetrios is a great feast for all of Orthodoxy, but especially Thessalonica, which is his birthplace. His church is a building dating from the ancient Christian era, built one hundred years after his holy martyrdom which was in 296 A.D. But after 300 years it burned down, and was rebuilt in the days of Leo the Wise. Saint Demetrios along with Saint George are the two brave young men of

Turning Back (Part II)

Turning Back (Part II) ‘The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Master, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such. What do you say about her?”… But Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him,

Turning Back (Part I)

Turning Back (Part I) What is required of us above all is an entreaty, a cry of trust and love de profondis, from the depths of our heart. For a moment we must lose our balance, must see in a flash of clarity the meaninglessness of suffering, the ripping apart of our protective covering of happiness or moral virtue. Remember how often in the Gospels Christ attacks the Pharisees. Remember, in Crime and Punishment, the

Holy Apostle James (Iakovos), the Brother of the Lord

Holy Apostle James (Iakovos), the Brother of God (Adelphotheos) was the son of Righteous Joseph the Betrothed of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 26). From his early years James was a Nazarene, a man especially dedicated to God. The Nazarenes vowed to preserve their virginity, to abstain from wine, to refrain from eating meat, and not to cut their hair. The vow of the Nazarenes symbolized a life of holiness and purity, commanded formerly by