Daily Meditations

Pure Love’s Ways: A Valentine to God

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind (and with all your strength).  Matthew 22:37, Mark, 12:30, Luke 10:27


How do I love Thee my Lord?


I love Thee when I turn my back to bitterness,

forgiving spite and might To caress and bless

the broken-hearted walking dead.


I love Thee as I abandon sleep

to dawn metallic bangles and belts-tight

and face windy rain along the way to Your flock fed.


When perusing saintly words and Holy Word,

for but a glimpse of Your light-filled desire to be heard

speaking to the nucleus of my art.


I adore Thee with parched mouth and growling stomach tamed.

Waiting as an adoring puppy You named,

for an hour, day or week, to prove my yielding heart.


I worship Thee in awe of love’s blazing light.

Too powerful for demons of the night,

Truth stunning evil’s vain attempts to mutate life.


I love Thee with my heart’s most rhythmic breath,

Empowered to speak and pray in blessed health.

Singing beyond sound, listening for silence, shunning strife.


I worship Thee in awe of Your Patience and Your Speed.

The reason of Humility, vigilant to human needs

for protection, purpose, and providence. 


I love Thee when tiptoeing blindfolded through

winding treacherous hallways too

numerous in this dangerous world of mottled life, and decadence.


I love Thee while hammering a single sentence of beloved Saints

through this twenty-first century crust of brain

to hug Your universality and merge with precocious precious ones.


If you give me burdens too heavy to carry,

let me rejoice at chances to love Thee without wary

loving Thee daily with strength anew.


Let there be nothing left of me

after all attempts to show how deeply and broadly I love Thee.

And may nothing cancel what I do for love of You.


My Lord, my King, my God.



~Taken from the journal of Aspiring Immortals, http://blog.evangelinehopkins.com /